Growing old is good.

Smelling old isn't.
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Old People are Stinky.
But you don’t have to be. 
As people age, body chemistry changes, leading to a distinct scent known as “old people smell.” This is due to the natural breakdown of omega-7 unsaturated fatty acids on the skin that begin after age 40, which form a compound called “nonenal.”

2-Nonenal gas, emitted by skin, is a byproduct of the normal ageing process. This odor, commonly associsted with nursing homes has a biological cause and, thankfully now, a cure.

As we age, cells in the body and in sebaceous glands under the skin come under attack. This is due to a process called lipid peroxidation – the breakdown of fats – caused by oxidative stress, where the body produces a surplus of harmful free radicals.

These age related hormonal changes and a decline in the skin’s natural antioxidant defenses contribute to this process, resulting in the characteristic “old people smell” odor. StinkX formula helps counter this breakdown and eliminate this common affliction of age. StinkX contains an optimal natural blend of delphinidin-3-O-glucoside, delphinidin-3-O-rutinoside, cyanidin-3-O-glucoside, and cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside and other polyphenols found in studies to reverse this process by up to 80%. All with potential health benefits beyond the aroma our bodies produce.

Science has proven that how we smell can greatly effect how we are treated. The smell of a baby can trigger a rush of dopamine so powerful that people often describe it as a narcotic. Couples in love often talk about loving how each other smells. Conversely, we see a drastic rise in divorce during the years that biology changes how we smell. The problem of “old people smell” can influence whether friends and lovers like to visit and whether our children or grandchildren treasure or avoid our hugs and kisses.